Guest Author

Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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How to Prepare Your Business to Withstand a (Potentially Upcoming) Recession

Economists have suggested that the US may be headed for a recession in 2021. This post provides 6 strategies you can implement to help you minimize the impact of a recession on your business.

How to Generate B2B Leads on LinkedIn as a Solopreneur or Small Business

LinkedIn can be a goldmine for B2B lead gen, especially as a solopreneur or small business. in this post, we'll cover how to optimize your profile, create attractive content, and build a network on the platform to bring in more qualified leads to your business.

7 Truths About Google E-A-T to Help Increase Your Content Authority

This post takes a deep dive into what Google EAT is, how it is involved with ranking factors, and how to implement it to improve your content authority and SEO.

The 8 Ingredients to a Traffic-Generating, Rank-Boosting SEO Strategy

While there are fundamentals to any good digital marketing campaign, the blueprint for the best SEO strategy changes each year. Here are some pointers for building a winning SEO strategy for 2021.

Facebook Traffic Ads: 5 Ways to Get More Visitors at Lower Costs

This post covers how you can use the Facebook ad traffic objective to build your brand and monetize traffic. We’ll provide background information on Facebook traffic ads and then share five best practices to get the most out of this campaign type.

8 Must-Know Microsoft Ads Tips to Get More Clicks and Conversions

Looking to get more clicks and conversions on your Microsoft ads? From pre-qualifying your prospects to price extensions, this post covers 8 Microsoft ads optimizations to help you ensure you get the most of your budget.

25 Easy Newsletter Ideas (+Examples) to Engage Your Readers

Need ideas for your email newsletters? Learn why newsletters are important, how to write a newsletter that gets opened and read, and 23 specific newsletter content ideas to engage your audience and win more customers.

3 Types of SaaS Businesses Likely to Thrive in a Post-COVID World

COVID-19 has changed our way of doing things, and even once the pandemic ends, we aren't likely to go back to the way things were. But for four SaaS businesses—digital collaboration platforms, telemedicine, and gaming and media, that's actually good news. Learn the why and how in this post.

How to Build the Ideal Chatbot for Your Brand (with Examples)

Need help building a chatbot for your website? This post breaks it down into 3 steps, complete with best practices, real-life examples, and chatbot tools to help you get the most out of this sales and marketing channel.