Megan Marrs

Megan Marrs

Megan Marrs is a veteran content marketer who harbors a love for writing, watercolors, oxford commas, and dogs of all shapes and sizes. When she’s not typing out blog posts or crafting killer social media campaigns, you can find her lounging in a hammock with an epic fantasy novel.

HomeBlogMegan Marrs

What to Do if Google Ads Says Your Landing Page Experience Is Below Average

Does Google say your landing page experience is below average? Here's what to do about it: 10 tips to improve your Google Ads landing page experience.

Truth in Advertising vs. Lies in Advertising: Which Do You Prefer?

Microsoft Kinect can use emotion detection to show ads based on a user's mood. Is this better or worse than Facebook's off-target ads?

5 Quick Tips to Increase Referral Traffic

Need more referral traffic? Read these five quick and easy tips for increasing your site's traffic from referring URLs.

Does Remarketing Make You a Creepy Stalker?

Part of why remarketing is successful is that many people don’t really know what it is. The average internet user is completely unaware that they are being digitally stalked across the web-a-verse.

Pinterest Marketing Guide: How to Use Pinterest to Boost Your Brand

Read the Pinterest Marketing Guide to learn all about how to use Pinterest as an internet marketing tool.

CAPTCH-AD: A New CAPTCHA Form of Advertising?

CAPTCHAs are a necessary evil in a modern world. CAPTCHAs, also known as those-annoying-boxes-with-the-weird-words, are used to prevent evil robot spam attacks.

The Dangers of SEO Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing was a successful SEO tactic in the past, but no longer. Learn why SEO keyword stuffing is now a dangerous activity with modern search engines.

Crushing on Love Letters: A Valentine’s Day Case Study in User Engagement

Online businesses know that user engagement is incredibly powerful. Better than chocolates or flowers, getting users to “like” your posts or engage you in conversation through Google+ is a dream come true! But often, it can be difficult to obtain that valuable user interaction.

7 Examples of Awesomely Creative Advertising: Using Your Environment

What makes creative ads successful? Check out these seven incredibly innovative advertisements that use their physical settings to create unique and memorable ads, and get in depth analysis as to why they work so well.